
Units are broadly categorized into zombies, which attack the farm, and defensive units (land) that defend against them. Additionally, there are reinforcement units that strengthen defenses and consumable units that provide specific effects.

  • Barricade: The barricade unit is responsible for defense within the land, representing defensive units that fend off zombie attacks. These barricade units can be upgraded through various means, with upgraded barricades capable of repelling stronger attacks.

  • Zombie: The zombie unit is an invader that breaches lands with formidable attacking power. They execute special attacks based on their individual characteristics and progressively increase in strength with each wave stage.

  • Consumable: Consumable units provide powerful attack support based on their individual characteristics. They only provide attack support for a certain number of uses or a limited time, and each unit has different attributes such as attack power and purchase price. Utilizing consumable units effectively allows for effective defense against attacks that cannot be repelled solely by regular barricade defenses.

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