Road map


  • '23.10: Planning and development of DSW P2E games

  • 05: Launch of DSW website and videos / Prototype release / NFT minting (Korean market)

  • 06: Listing of DSW token on centralized exchanges (CEX)

  • 07: Development of DSW NFT products / Social media community building

  • 08: Listing of DSW token on centralized exchanges (CEX)

  • 09: Closed Beta Test of DSW game / NFT minting (Southeast Asia)

  • 11: Open Beta Test of DSW game


  • 01: Launch in the Philippines / Listing of DSW token on centralized exchanges (CEX)

  • 02: Development of DSW platform tools / Server expansion and security system upgrades

  • 04: Launch in Thailand / Development of Expanded pack

  • 05: Transition of NFT trading platform to P2P

  • 08: Listing of DSW token on centralized exchanges (CEX) / In-app P2P trading feature integration

  • 10: Expansion of DSW to PC version extension

Last updated